A Nature Positive Future – Legal and Business Implications and the Path to Action
Live webinar | Wednesday 4 September 2024 at 12.00pm AEST

Nature and biodiversity loss presents an unprecedented challenge that the world, and Australia specifically, needs to address. The emerging consensus, aligned with current and new regulatory frameworks, is that the business community needs to adopt a “nature positive” mindset.

To explore these themes, we are delighted to partner with Anthesis on a series of webinars exploring emerging topics under the nature banner.

Our first webinar will cover:

1. The international and local drivers to implement nature positive actions, including:

  • regulatory developments;
  • the practical implications of emerging voluntary and mandatory financial disclosure frameworks such as the Task-Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosure (TNFD);
  • director’s duties;
  • litigation, shareholder activism and other trends.

2. The frameworks and tools available to organisations to understand their relationship with nature and address the associated risks and opportunities.

3. The legal and practical business implications of a nature positive approach.

Future webinars will cover developments in the domestic Nature Repair Market and international nature-based market developments and opportunities. 
CPD Information

This session is valid for 1 CPD unit. Please ensure this meets the requirements within your jurisdiction. To find out more, visit our CLE Library.

Recommended CPD category:

  • Practice Management and Business Skills (NSW/VIC/WA/Qld)  | Core Area 2 - Practice Management and Business Skills  (ACT) 
Disclaimer:  You must check the professional requirements applicable in your own jurisdiction to ensure that the webinar content and activity format is eligible for CPD units in a given CPD year.  Please refer to guidance here.

The contents of this webinar may not be current as at the date of accessing this webinar. Our webinars are intended to provide general information and do not constitute legal advice.
Key details

  • Elisa de Wit, Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright Melbourne
  • Carmen Bradfield, Senior Associate, Norton Rose Fulbright Melbourne
  • Michaela Young, Principal Consultant, Anthesis Australia
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Elisa de Wit | Partner, Melbourne

Carmen Bradfield | Senior Associate, Melbourne

Michaela Young | Principal Consultant, Anthesis Australia
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