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Health and Safety insights Podcast |
Real experiences of implementation - the psychosocial risk management obligations | On demand podcast

In our latest episode of the Health and Safety Insights Podcast Series, we speak with Endeavour Energy and Laing O’Rourke about their practical approaches to implementation of the psychosocial risk management obligations under the work health and safety regulations.  Each organisation has invested in a significant program of implementation of change, and share their insights and learnings. 

We are pleased to welcome special guests Renay Doyle, Health & Wellbeing Programs Manager from Endeavour Energy and Kelly Priestley, Head of Governance Health and Safety from Laing O’Rourke.  

We hope that the podcast is useful. Please contact us if you would like to discuss or have any queries.

Katherine Morris Headshot Image

Katherine Morris | Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright, Sydney

Renay Doyle Headshot Image
Renay Doyle | Health & Wellbeing Programs Manager, Endeavour Energy
Kelly Priestley Headshot Image
Kelly Priestley | Head of Governance Health and Safety. Laing O'Rourke
Annika Martz Headshot Image

Annika Martz | Special Counsel, Norton Rose Fulbright, Sydney

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